• “Your complete development package from project inception to completion”

    slide 2

  • “Legal; Environmental; Planning and Development Management”

    slide 2

  • “Your complete development package from project inception to completion”

    slide 2

  • “Legal; Environmental; Planning and Development Management”

    slide 2
The following development projects (past and current) have required varying degrees of our organisation's input, some limited to the rendering of specific professional services in a supporting capacity, while others necessitating a more extensive and inclusive development role.


  • Caledon Residential Estate (completed)
  • Harmony Residential Estate (pre-approval phase completed)
  • Helmsley Country Estate (construction phase in progress)
  • ldwala Ridge Estate (pre-approval phase completed)
  • Solheim River Estate (pre-approval phase completed)
  • Candlewood Coastal Resort (approval phase in progress)
  • Sugarhill residential and retirement village (approval phase in progress)
  • Thornhill Country Estate (feasibility assessment in progress)
  • Hermanus River Club (completed)


  • Bogmore Industrial & Commercial Park (completed)
  • Briardene (Phase X) Industrial Park (construction phase in progress)
  • Dolphin Coast Industrial Park (completed)
  • SA Nylon Spinners (SANS Fibres)industrial construction (completed)


  • Moss Kolnik commercial centre (construction phase in progress)
  • Gamalakhe commercial Mall (approval phase in progress)
  • Umzimkhulu commercial Centre (feasibility assessment in progress)
  • Inanda shopping mall (feasibility assessment in progress)
  • Mseleni commercial centre (feasibility assessment in progress)
  • Kranskop mixed use development (feasibility assessment in progress)
  • Hillcrest Private Hospital (completed)
  • Mandeni Plaza (approval phase in progress)


  • Mining permits and rights
    • Isinuka (Fort Harrison) mining (silica sand)(completed)
    • Ifafa lagoon (silica sand)(operational)
    • Umzimvubu lagoon (silica sand)(operational)
    • Mbolompe Mining (Umkomaas) (silica sand) (approval phase in progress)
    • Zandplaats Mining (silica sand and sandstone) (operational)
    • Amadlelo Mining Trust (silica sand and sandstone) (approval phase in progress)
  • Mining tenders, submissions and advisory input
    • Kumba Iron Ore (Sishen)(environ-legal & community impact assessment completed)
    • Zululand Coal (environ-legal assessment completed)
    • Kabanga Nickle (Tanzania) (environ-legal & community tender submitted)
    • Anglo Gold Ashanti (Ghana) (environ-legal & community tender submitted)

Rural; Protected Areas; Eco-tourism and Lodges

  • (European Union) Wild Coast Spatial Development Programme (completed)
  • (European Union) Maluti mountains (Mehloding) lodge & hiking trail development (Lesotho) (completed)
  • (Land Bank) Sabi Sands game reserve/Huntington community conservation reserve (completed)
  • (World Bank) Transfrontier conservation area and tourism development programme (Mozambique) (in progress)
  • WWF/SAPPI forests & wetlands lodge (in progress)
  • Lake Sibaya eco-lodge and game reserve (in progress)
  • Sabie Sands Wildtuin (advisory)
  • Wildlife Society of South Africa (WESSA)(advisory)
  • The African Wildlife Foundation (advisory)

Marine & Coastal

  • Irvin & Johnson (I&J) – Environmental Management Systems (advisory)
  • SA Navy– Environmental Management Systems (advisory)
  • Aliwal Shoal – Marine Protected Area (MPA)(advisory, completed)
  • Ethekwini Municipality - Coastal Management Plan (Umgababa) (completed)
  • West Coast National Park: Churchhaven Community (advisory)
  • Amatola District Municipality: Integrated Coastal Zone Management Programme (completed)
  • WWF (SA) (advisory)

Feasibility assessments – monetary focus (advisory)

  • Investec Private bank
  • European Union
  • World Bank
  • Land Bank
  • Grindrod Bank
  • Ithala Bank